Proctor Exam Administration
Proctor Exam Administration
The CIDA test is administered by a proctor at your company or a public library. The candidate chooses a proctor such as a supervisor, audit manager, human resources representative, etc. Once CIDA applicants have submitted the required documentation and fees, the certification department will review the registration for eligibility and will notify the candidate of acceptance into the CIDA program. Once eligibility has been established, the candidate must submit required proctor forms three weeks prior to exam date. Exams will be sent directly to the proctor 2-3 business days before the exam date. Proctor instructions are included with the exam. The CIDA exam must be taken on scheduled dates and postmarked to ITCI by the following day to qualify for grading.
A person willing to accept the position of proctor must be a trusted individual who can take on a supervisory role in the administration of any test offered by Investment Training and Consulting Institute, Inc. and may not be a family member, friend or enrolled in the exam being tested. The responsibilities of a proctor are outlined below. We ask that all proctors adhere to these responsibilities when administering a test. The proctor should have access to e-mail and the Internet as important messages may be sent via email. The CIDA candidate must send the Investment Training and Consulting Institute, Inc. the completed Proctor Application form once testing arrangements have been made between candidate and proctor.
Proctor Responsibilities
- Verify the identity of the candidate.
- Provide an appropriate location for taking the test, free of distractions and comfortable for test taking.
- Upon completion of the test the candidate is required to complete the Non-disclosure and Release form.
- The Proctor is required to complete the Proctor Affidavit form.
- The proctor is responsible for returning the test, the candidate’s Non-disclosure and Release form and the Proctor Affidavit form. A test received without the Non-disclosure and Release form and the Proctor Affidavit form will not be valid. Tests returned by mail should use the appropriate form of mail to ensure that it is received (i.e.) priority or certified mail). The candidate should cover any mailing costs.
- The candidate may not view the test prior to the date/time arranged for taking the test.
- The candidate is responsible for bringing any necessary supplies, such as pencils and calculator.
- The candidate should not be left unattended at any time during the course of the test.
- The candidate is not allowed to copy any questions during the test for use thereafter.
- The candidate must adhere to the time limit restrictions on the test.