Webinars and Self Study

Webinars and Self Study

Investment Training and Consulting Institute, Inc. strives to serve professionals in the audit industry to offer top-notch education online. Most organizations recognize the need to train and develop their workforce as a top priority. They also wish to capitalize on technology to broaden their knowledge base. eLearning offers the advantages of:

  • Anytime/Anywhere Learning
    eLearning makes it feasible to access training on demand, at home, at the office or anywhere 24-7-365. Education is available when and where required.
  • Cost Effectiveness
    With webinars, budget dollars are invested in education and not in logistics or travel.
  • Flexibility
    eLearning offers the option to choose from a variety of interactive self-paced courses, and learners can take advantage of an extensive reference library.
  • Retention
    Multimedia presentation and interactivity reinforce understanding and retention of information.
  • Measurement
    With eLearning, it is possible to monitor learner’s progress, skill attainment and produce detailed usage reports and assess their levels of improvement.

Investment Training and Consulting Institute, Inc. has also published a study guide for the CIDA exam which covers the subject matters of the CIDA “Body of Knowledge” as well as numerous sample questions. This guide will help CIDA candidates study for this comprehensive exam and serve as a reference for future investment and derivative audits.